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Adam Hicks, Trustee

2016 - 2024

True to My Word

In 2016, the following was my public submission posted on the Regina Elections website:

"I'm Adam Hicks, and I want to represent you as the Public School Trustee for Subdivision 3.  In doing so, I promise to dig my feet in deep.  I will truly understand what's happening within our school system.  We can all say 'this or that' is the issue, but with my due diligence, I will fully understand the larger picture to ensure we get to the root of all concerns.

When elected, I won't just be another name on a website; you will see me actively seeking information and gathering feedback throughout the entire community.  I strongly believe the best way to address issues is to have all the information on hand and devise a plan to overcome obstacles.  When it comes to execution, I have proven to show measurable results.

I am a hard worker, an active community member, and, most importantly, a dedicated father."

Eight years later, these words could not be more accurate.  I have proven that my commitment and drive do not dwindle over the years, and I am ready to serve for another four years.

Take a look for yourself what I have been up to as your representative:



I have extensive governance and management training.

My diverse career positions me to analyze problems from a range of perspectives.  More details on my resume are available on LinkedIn.  My past includes owning and managing a local business for five years and various board experiences, including being a director on the Conexus Credit Union Board and ten years with the provincial government.

I currently love my role at the South Sask Community Foundation as the Director of Finance & Strategic Operations.


I was born and raised in Lumsden, Saskatchewan.  Moving to Regina for University in 2003 was an amazing opportunity, and have called this city home since.  

I have two amazing children in the public system, with my son entering high school in September 2024 and my daughter entering grade 5 in French immersion. 


As a father with sole custody of my children, I recognize how tricky life can get, and it has allowed me new perspectives on the hardships that many families face.  I am here to ensure our school system supports all families of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds.


My wonderful family, including Jamie, who was born and raised in Regina.  She assists in many of the community events we host, and we both have a passion for making a difference in our wonderful city. 

My daughter will be the first to tell you that Jamie "is the best step-mom ever!"  While I can't fact-check that statement, I can tell you that it is amazing to have a supportive home with like-minded people who are truly trying to make a better world than we found it.


I will continue to be an active member of the Board, seeking feedback, conducting research, devising plans, and implementing them.  With eight years under my belt, my energy and motivation remain strong.  There is nothing stopping what we as a community can accomplish together!

Subdivision 3 School Results

Do you know Trustees submit quarterly updates on the meetings and events they attend?  Take a look here.  The reports don't account for the hundreds of hours of prep work, phone calls and emails that go into preparing for Board Meetings and advocacy work.  A high-level summary of the quarterly reports for me from 2016 to Sept 30, 2024:

  • 283 Board Meetings and Official Board Events

  • 201 School Community Council Meetings and Events

  • 146 Student Events

  • 203 Community Meetings and Events

  • 122 Stakeholder Meetings and Events

  • 66 Regina Public Employee Events

  • 46 Leadership or Training Sessions and Events

All of this comes down to a Trustee who strives to go above and beyond what is expected in the role.  I have and will continue to go above and beyond in the role and provide a strong voice for our students, staff, and parents.


Ecole Harbour Landing Elementary School

  • Directly helped and coordinated a lot of the fundraising initiatives for the new playgrounds in which we raised $100,000 in one year.

  • A strong advocate for years, directly and indirectly, working with all stakeholders on the second Harbour Landing school, which is in dire need due to capacity issues.  This including presentations to government and opposition, City of Regina, discussions with the land developers. 

  • Ensured community voice was heard and parents could express thoughts into the French Immersion discussion before the Board made the decision to move the program to Perry, and the newest boundary change due to capacity issues.

  • Supported new initiatives such as the first rainbow Pride sidewalk in Canada connected to an Elementary School - painted alongside the students for multiple years.

  • Attended and volunteered at numerous school events (movie nights, dances, celebrations, etc.).



  • Adam will continue advocating for ensuring the second school is built with the community in West Harbour Landing and is looking at working with the City of Regina and the Province.

Ecole Harbour Landing School

Dr. A.E. Perry Elementary School

  • Provided expertise on the beginning of their carnivals, including the 40 year school anniversary carnival.

  • Worked with School Division Leadership in getting improvements done to the school and ensuring the needs were identified to staff.

  • Listened to and represented student and parent voice during Board conversations with the changes to Frech Immersion moving from Harbour Landing.

  • Attended movie nights, carnivals and fundraiser events and help host movie nights.  


Argyle Elementary School


  • Heavily involved in direct and indirect advocacy for a new Argyle and St. Pius Joint Build School.  I was involved in the planning of the design of the joint build school which is now open!

  • Organized a school zone safety blitz with contacts and had commercial equipment donated during the campaign.  

  • Attended multiple carnivals, game nights, book nights and other student events.

  • Supported and attended various parent events focused on increasing parent engagement in schools.

Ethel Milliken Elementary School

  • Worked on supporting the outdoor learning space fundraising campaign.  Helped guide the process to receive some funding through the Community Association.

  • Helped raise the Treaty 4 Flag at the school with the principal lead initiative.

  • Worked with parents closely and drove personally drove routes after the Board decision to expand bussing boundaries.

  • Attended numerous events including student talent shows, movie nights, a wellness yoga night and even staff vs. students' sports days.


Lakeview Elementary School


  • Support and continue advocacy for a refresh of the building and not a removal of the current beautiful historical building.  

  • Attended many student events and community events such as the environmental student lead sessions meant to inform the public on sustainability initiatives.  

Lakeview Event[2305843009240853899].JPG

​Ecole Connaught Community School

  • Witnessed the new build finalized and helped advocate for the new portables, in which even after funding did not fully come through, supported our Division in using reserves to ensure all students had proper space to learn.

  • Attended events from fundraising nights to community potlucks to award ceremonies supporting the students.

  • With the boundary changes in 2020, this school is no longer part of my subdivision.


Crescents Elementary School

  • Worked with hundreds of stakeholders, read thousands of survey submissions, and came to balance decisions on the renaming of Davin to Crescents while still ensuring the history will never be forgotten and we all can learn from the past.  I dedicated extra time to attend multiple blanket exercises, attend all meetings with our Indigenous Elders Advisory Council, and had discussions with local Chiefs to ensure I could grasp the history and damage that has been caused by past generations.

  • Participated in clean-up days, school dances and other learning events at the school.

  • With the boundary changes in 2020, this school is no longer part of my subdivision.


Sheldon-Williams Collegiate High School


  • Supported many student initiatives including their leadership classes fundraising efforts for the community, in which students have raised upwards of $25,000 a year for mental health and other causes in the city.

  • Held a pink pancake breakfast for all the students in support of Anti-Bullying Day.

  • Contributed funds to a Student Community Leadership Scholarship.

  • Attended numerous student plays, performances, sports games, and parent nights.

Subdivision Three

Regina Public

School Division

For the past few years, I have been:

  • Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board; and

  • Chair of the Audit & Risk Management Committee; and

  • Member of the Planning & Policy Committee; and

  • Member of the Indigenous Advisory Council; and

  • Three years on the City of Regina School Board Liason Committee; and

  • Serve four years as the Provincial School Board Rep on the UofR Senate; and

  • Served on two Provincial Working Advisory Committees such as a Cyber Security; and

  • Committed two years as our Boards Public Section Representative for the SSBA.


I am actively seeking opportunities to connect to our community across the entire School Division.  From attending Indigenous Resilience Award ceremonies, Pride events, Pink Day Events, Science & Heritage Fairs, judging debate competitions, participating in powwows, various cultural events, Division fundraising events for summer literacy programs, organizing and running school paint night fundraisers, and everything in between.  This dedication will continue if re-elected.

Interested in my track records?  Here are some specific highlights over the past eight years:

Transparency of the Regina Public School Board

I first introduced the motion on February 14, 2017, to increase transparency to our public meetings but was defeated.  Four Trustees voted no and two abstained (this has since been changed so no one can abstain in future votes).


I didn't give up though and only seven months later, I had worked with fellow Trustees to eventually got the live streaming implemented with all Regina Public School Board public meetings!  And even more transparency than other Boards, we have all videos that can be played back at any time and click here to see past meetings.

Transparency in voting is also important.  It was a practice of the Regina Public Board to not record Trustee votes in the past and abstaining from a vote was possible.  Work on the Planning & Policy Committee took place and we set in place a new motion that would update our Board policies to make voting mandatory for all Trustees and that every vote in the future would be a recorded one.  The was passed at the May 28, 2019 Board Meeting.

Class Trip Program

Did you know in 2017, there were approximately 3,024 class trips taken from Regina Public Schools which represented over $200,000 in costs.  These costs are paid for by parents, School Community Councils (SCC), and local school budgets.  I saw an opportunity with Councilour Stephens to use the limited capacity of the busses during the hours of 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, and save parents thousands every year, with no extra costs for the City of Regina.

I had thought this was a slam dunk partnership, but wow was I was woken up pretty quick.  There was a lot of unnecessary pushback from the City of Regina Council and was not expected at all.  Take a look at the video of the presentation by clicking here (skip to about 1:55:00 in the recording) or see the Leader-Post article here.  It was voted down by the City at this time, but my desire to push forward continued.

More interestingly, a year later, the program was implemented and is currently saving $10,000's of thousands and see here for the program details, proving that the initial concerns were unfounded.

Connecting our SCC's

Held large SCC meetings connecting schools and helping coordinate the sharing of best practises among them.  Helped form a community Facebook group for all SCCs to share and connect on with over 200 SCC members on it that share information with each other.

Joint Transportation

We had an extremely tough budget in 2018 and had to find over $9 million dollars, which with our School Division, came down to large cuts in as many areas as we could outside of the classrooms.  And $1.7 million was a cut to our transportation budget.  After this, I made it a goal to direct and advocate for Joint Bussing with Regina Catholic School Division to jointly save expenses.  Since this time, there have been multiple implementations of joint bussing but have wained in support and l will continue to advocate for more routes to be joint.

Enterprise Risk Management

Based on my past experiences and knowledge, I directed the first-ever Division Risk Management System.  There is work to do but we are well on our way to managing Division risks in a proactive measure in partnership between Administration and the Board.


Supporting and Advocating for a Joint South East Regina High School

I have been pushing for this to relieve pressure off other schools in the city that are at or expected to overcapacity in the next five years.  See the article here.  We are excited to say that the Provincial Government has announced during the March 2024 budgets, a new school will become a reality in the next 3-4 years!

Pride Vote

If you are from the City of Regina, you probably know all about this one.  I was one of the three Trustees that did vote in favour of Trustee Young's motion and the minutes can be seen on the School Division site. I have continued work with our schools to heal the damage that was done on those days, and have supported the Diversity Committee that was formed and provided a report of actions for the Board.  

Increased Communication Implications

Following the Pride Vote, I supported Trustee Ekong's motion to increase the analysis of communications and to ensure Trustees are provided all the necessary information before a vote takes place.  See here for the news article.


Student Voice on Regina Public

I have tried three times in eight years, and submitted two motions to the Board to have a student voice on the Regina Public School Board, none of which never made it to a vote.  While our Division does a number of unique engagement events and incorporates student's voice, I will continue working on a solution in the next few years to ensure there is a formal process to have a consistent voice of our students at the front end of the policy discussions.

Citizen Engagement in Budgets

I submitted a motion in 2017 for the collection and analysis of public voice towards our budgets.  It was not put to vote but I have not forgotten about the importance of including staff, parents, and even students in engaging students in the budget process.  Our finance department now produces an easy to read of a two-page document over the last couple of years.

Supported Division Wide Initiatives:

  • Opened six new schools over the past eight years.

  • Built an annual Community Engagement Forum.

  • Initiated a new forum focussed on the voices of Indigenous Students.

  • Developed a Community Engagement Plan.

  • Developed a Mental Health and Well-Being Strategy.

  • Developed a Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan.

There are so many other items I have worked on, and have to say I would be impressed if you made it this far in the website.  If you want to chat further, send me a message and we can sit down to discuss more.

Regina Pubic

Saskatchewan Education

I have been active at a local level, but also active at a Provincial level with the Saskatchewan School Boards Association (SSBA) meetings and advocacy work.  I have attended the main 3-day Fall Assembly in all four years from of my term.

Personal Finance:

Fall of 2017, I submitted a motion first to our Board, which passed in which was requesting the Province to ensure there is a personal finance class available for all high school students across the province.  I put forth a lot of advocacy, produced videos and in the end, received over 90% vote of acceptance from all 27 School Boards across the province. 

Today, every single high school across the Province has a personal finance class available!

Other Motions

A few others I presented and advocated for were:


  • "Be It Resolved that the SSBA request that the Ministry of Education initiate a policy for Board debt consolidation."  I personally analyzed and discovered that there could be significant efficiency and savings with consolidating the various loans held by School Boards.  Just with Regina Public and our few capital loans, I was able to analyze savings could be in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.  While the motions passed, it was determined by the Ministry of Education that while the savings would be there, it was not feasible at this time due to other policy and legal considerations.

  • Motion for salaries and expenses for the SSBA Executive to be shared with all representative boards and this resulted in these being shared twice a year to further help with transparency with the SSBA.

  • Fought to ensure only those that passed record checks could run for school boards.  This was passed by the 28 School Boards but was still left to individual Boards to enforce.  I am happy to say that our Board accepted my motion and we now ensure that all future candidates must pass a Criminal Record Check with a Vulnerable Sector Check as well.


Pick A Premier

Personally organized and conducted one-on-one interviews with all Sask Party and NDP candidates during their party leadership bids in 2018, including Scott Moe and Ryan Meili.  I held them all accountable to walk through and explain their platforms for the support of the education sector.  Take a look at the videos if you are interested by clicking on the name below:

All Candidates2.png
Saskatchewan Education
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